Ceil Jensen – Topics

“DNA Testing: Hope or Hype?” by Ceil Jensen
Is DNA testing a hope for researching your lineage or hype? Learn how to utilize DNA testing in Genealogy. of the researcher’s mt DNA test. After this presentation you will be know about laboratories offering DNA testing for genealogical research. All researchers can have their the maternal lineage traced with a sample of their DNA. Male researchers are contributing to Surname Y chromosome studies with surprising results.

“Maps for Genealogy: Old, New and Electronic” by Ceil Jensen
Whether its finding the family farm on a plat map or the changing boarders of a county or country; maps are indispensable. A range of sources, types and uses of maps will be covered.

“Newspapers: Three Generations In The News” by Ceil Jensen
Newspapers are a great resource for information on the life and times of your ancestors. Follow a family for three generations in community and regional newspapers. Ideas are included on how to use current global newspapers to obtain information.

“Polish Archives: Behind the Scenes” by Ceil Jensen
Based on site interviews with the directors. Learn of the unique materials held at the archives of Poznan, Gdansk, Mlawa, Bialystok and the concentration camp at Stutthof.

“Polish Research” by Ceil Jensen
This lecture will dispel myths that records were destroyed during the World Wars and that language barriers make research difficult. She will present practical examples and suggestions on how to use records, databases and archives to start or advance your Polish genealogy research.

“Post Mortem Records” by Ceil Jensen
This session covers North American funerary customs and records. We will cover records from churches, undertakers, stonemasons, cemeteries and societies that sponsor burial grounds for their members. Learn about home wakes and view photos made at graveside. The lecture includes photos of funeral cards and announcements, record books, cemeteries, tombstones and exhumation. You may be surprised at the wealth of information available.

“Professional Techniques for the Family Genealogist” by Ceil Jensen
Research and organizational techniques used by professional genealogists that can easily be used by the family researcher. An overview of who, what, where, when, why and how of recordkeeping. Brickwall solutions for North American and European research problems will be investigated.

“Researching Your U.S. Heritage Online” by Ceil Jensen
The key to finding your ancestors records in Europe is to locate their home village. You might be surprised to find out that the documents that identify the ancestral home are readily available here in the U.S. This session will outline the most likely civil and religious records that will list the home village.

“Researching Your International Heritage Online” by Ceil Jensen
Once you have located your ancestral village(s) your search can continue online. European archives, repositories and civil offices are accessible via your computer. Government and community organizations offer online databases and maps. The Hamburg Internet databank: “LinkToYourRoots” will be highlighted. 5 million people emigrated via Hamburg between 1850 and 1934, to the U.S.A., Canada and Australia.